ro_RO Română

Ana Otilia Nuțu addresses the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly

Euronest Parliamentary Assembly
Remarks by Ana Otilia Nuțu
Member of the Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership FSC
Member of the Board of Directors of the Expert Forum
Brussels, 20 February 2024
Ana Otilia Nuțu addresses the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly

None of us in Europe is safe from the neo-imperialism of Putinist Russia. The Kremlin uses everything against the rest of the world that refuses to submit: from military aggression and political occupation where it can, to arming everything from food, energy, migration, sport, disinformation and corruption of top politicians. We have only one chance: arm Ukraine now with Russia’s money. Start accession negotiations now, before the European elections. Fully embrace European values. Stop compromising with dictators. And arm – against both conventional and unconventional warfare.


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