
Integrity, justice and rule of law

EFOR is one of the main actors working on the justice reform and rule of law. We implement projects in Romania and in the region, we work on public integrity, monitoring public spending, including procurement and work with the judiciary in order to consolidate the rule of law mechanisms.



Support us: We have to make government more transparent and rational, by showing that we understand what they do and react when they are wrong. Get involved, contribute and support this effort.

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EFOR monitors China’s influence in the Black Sea Countries, with a focus on Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia. While less conspicuous than Russia, China is increasingly present in our region through various channels and …

Effective Combat Against Corruption

While the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and a myriad of regional treaties and review bodies have set out important anti-corruption commitments for their state parties, they are not always implemented effectively in practice. …

Civil Response to Clientelism in Media – MEDIA CIRCLE

The project Civil Response to Clientelism in Media – MEDIA CIRCLE is built on more than a decade of strategic engagement of Partnership for Social Development (Croatia) and its partners in fighting against corruption, increasing transparency …

Transnational network for fighting public procurement crimes

The project Cross-Country Legal and Institutional Framework for Suppression of Fraud in Public Procurement is a joint endeavour of the experts from Partnership for Social Development (Croatia) and EFOR. These two organizations and their experts are …

Political clientelism – wasting our money

Many myths and scandals have been produced during the past years around the discretionary allocation of funds from the government to the local administrations. It has been said that some have been favoured, that the …

Initiative for a Clean Justice (IJC)

The Initiative for a Clean Justice (ICJ), a coalition of seven NGOs, lead by Expert Forum and Freedom House Romania. ICJ  has set up a working group to monitor and inform the public regularly, accurately …

Past monitoring initiatives undertaken by our experts

Citizens for Energy Watchdog on the energy regulator (ANRE), which we monitored independently in terms of both governance and regulatory substance, together with a panel of experts. The project concept was one of the winners in …

News on Integrity, justice and rule of law

The new justice laws as adopted by the Parliament

In September 2022, EFOR analysed the draft justice laws as adopted by the Romanian Government at the end of August and identified the most problematic provisions. EFOR concluded then that aside from not solving the …

Money for pandemic advertising

In 2020, the media market was fed with funds from the Government, to promote the anti-Covid campaign. The period in which almost 200 million lei (40 mil EUR) were promised overlaps over the electoral period, …

How do we fix PNDL?

The National Program for Local Development (PNDL) has been a constant topic of public discussion in recent years. Most of the time the emphasis was put on politicization and inefficiency of the program. It is …

The laws on justice: don’t open Pandora’s box!

The Ministry of Justice sending the three draft bills to Parliament in their current form risks opening a Pandora’s box, since the end result and duration of the legislative process is difficult to anticipate. EFOR …

Asset recovery in Romania

The National Agency for the Management of Seized Assets (ANABI) in partnership with Expert Forum in Romania hosted an online public discussion on the topic of “Effective asset recovery of the proceeds of crime through …

Directions in anticorruption

How will the Rule of Law report influence adherence to the rule of law standards across the EU? In October 2020, Expert Forum, together with APADOR-CH hosted a round table debate on the European Commission’s …

Containing Kremlin: do sanctions work?

The decision of the United States and the European Union to impose sanctions on Russia in 2014, and the consequent renewal of sanctions, have had significant implications for the international economy and Eastern Europe, given …

EFOR contributed to the 2018 Nations in Transit report

The 2018 report on Romania was written by Laura Ștefan, anticorruption expert, former director in the Romanian Ministry of Justice, and international expert on rule of law; and Sorin Ioniță, expert in public administration reform and …

EFOR published the Map of Clientelism v. 3.0

The map and the attached reports show which governments, at what time and with what financial instrument have been more clientelistic: we built an index of political clientelism that correlates the amounts allocated to the …

Mass media and the clientelistic landscape in Gorj

Mass media represent one of the most effective weapons through which local politicians can manipulate and win votes. So the clientelization and control of the press becomes a priority for them. In PB # 54 …

Fairpress Newsletter July, 2016

Fairpress.eu is celebrating its 2nd Birthday. Portal went live on the 8th July 2014 with initial traffic expectations being far exceed. Over the first 2 years, we received a total number of 320.324 sessions and …

Fairpress Newsletter July, 2015

Fairpress.eu portal went live on the 8th July 2014 with initial traffic expectations being far exceed. Over the first 12 month period, we received a total number of 64.617 Sessions and 105.327 Pageviews. 47.542 Users …

The assets of the law-breakers

There is a public skepticism regarding the efficiency of the conviction, as long as the great fortunes built on malfeasances seemed untouchable. But the situation started to change and the confiscation became more efficiently, even …